Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Last Place on Earth

Beyond diversifying the base of the tourist industry, it'd be far more fruitful to diversify industry itself -- so that it doesn't just mean tourism, and beyond that, real estate speculation.

Hawaii should take advantage of its distinction of being the US's only tropical state -- and develop the state of the art lifestyle and technologies for all the other tropical and superwarm countries, most of which are mired in third world status because of their inability to overcome the conditions of too warm conditions -- that sap human energy and industriousness. They don't have to give lectures on industriousness to those living in colder climates that make them naturally disposed to overcoming those challenges.

But as we see in Iraq and a lot of those sub-Saharan and tropical climates, temperatures are so hot and oppressive, that the people don't want to even move for fear of overheating, and merely adapt to survive the day without heat stroke and exhaustion. Hawaii only has a few days of such oppressive conditions (Kona winds) but also, most days one cannot stand being exposed to the sun, sand and sea all day, even among the homeless and most impoverished. They need sheltering strategies, and suitable clothing and other adaptations of their own unique challenges that wouldn't be produced elsewhere in the US because they don't face those conditions

Essentially, Hawaii doesn't want to be competing against the rest of the US economy and industry in those respects, but would surely have a tremendous competitive advantage against all those other too warm (third-world) countries in developing and marketing the technologies for overcoming the challenges posed by unvarying too warm conditions, is Hawaii's natural niche, and not implementing those things that make sense in New York, London, Tokyo, Paris, ie., the rail, conventional air-conditioning, landfill, fossil fuels, etc.

Hawaii should be "alternative" and "innovative" by natural advantage instead of conformist, and the last to adopt whatever technologies were used successfully in the past centuries, as though that was the meaning and purpose for contemporary society and culture as manifested most familiarly by government ruled by pre-industrial unionism, which is just another form of the old tribalism.

And then people of the world would want to come and witness and participate in that as the reason for their visit, and not because Hawaii is the last place on earth to do so.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

What Is the Health Care Crisis?

The so-called health care crisis is the classic case of what's wrong in America -- because of the health care industry/interest claiming to be everyone's "primary health care provider -- rather than that being the primary responsibility of each individual -- with the intelligent and selective assistance and aid of health care professionals.

Every individual has to provide for their own "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," as their own highest right and responsibility -- and not that one has to go to their health care provider in order to obtain health -- or permission to change one's diet, activities, attitudes and thinking -- as though any trade association (union), has that right to supersede.

The major difference in healthy incomes, are the individual choices individuals make, and not whether one has adequate health care insurance to pay for unlimited health care services -- that are actually better regulated by the free-market desire to reduce those expenses, and in fact, to avoid those costs if at all possible.

Those considerations are distorted once a large group of individuals don't have to bear and account for those costs at all -- and are actually rewarded for being "sick." So there is no financial incentive or deterrent from "getting one's money's worth," by obtaining all the unnecessary procedures the health care provider wants to provide, after determining that one is fully covered, and if not, they won't waste your time and money.

People who don't have health care insurance are in fact more likely to be healthy -- rather than those totally dependent on the health care, as well as all the other codependent institutions and bureaucracies that enable and increase the problems. That is the crux of contemporary American life -- and its ills.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Where Has All the Money Gone?

Tourist: "When I come to Hawaii each year, it seems to me like there are more and more homeless people than previously, and I was wondering if we could contribute $1 a day to solve the problem?"

Christi, it is awfully nice of you to offer to contribute $1 a day for the homeless, but the problem in Hawaii (as most places in the US), is that that money will be diverted to pay higher compensation to the stronger organized (union) government workers -- who have deemed themselves to be the truly underprivileged, deserving and needy, despite all being compensated in the upper half of incomes.

That is the "homeless" problem -- that those who are better off, take all they can, because they are in an advantageous (stronger) position to do so, and so the homeless (and everybody else), fall further behind. That is the essential problem of societies in failure vulnerable to the ensuing chaos and anomie from the Big One.

Where do you think the money for the homeless, water, sewers, roadways, young and elderly is going?

Government workers no longer work to serve the greater public good but now see it as the vehicle to serve themselves primarily -- and as was revealed in the furloughs of previous years, think that their compensation should not even have to be related to actually showing up and performing that job -- it is now just their entitlement, because that is what their labor monopoly and lawyers, can secure for them above the law, fairness and any other principles that governs healthy societies.

So even, and maybe especially the rich, realize that you can't be the One with all the money when everybody else has none -- because that is the ultimate precarious position in which everyone is one's enemy. But it is not so easy to see when a large class of people (association), obtains a position of trust (to serve the public, greater good), and then betrays that trust in only serving themselves, as though that was the only good, and rationalizing that if it weren't themselves, everybody else would do it too -- if they had the position and status to do so.

And thus the public is betrayed by the very people who should be serving them -- but have merely learned to play the game and milk the system better than everybody else. Not surprisingly, their jobs now consist primarily of lobbying for even more -- at the legislature, media and public forums, with the disadvantaged as the pretext -- but only for their own job security and increased benefits.

That has become the great problem of these times in contemporary USA -- of which Hawaii is unfortunately at the forefront -- justifying it as "the price of paradise," which of course is nonsense for the greed, corruption and lack of choices that is the topic of every conservation in Hawaii.

That society has already failed -- and is just treading water until the Big One in whatever form it comes, to reveal that there is no infrastructure -- and certainly, none of moral sensibilities, besides "getting more than their fair share," as the principle that guides all conduct, until the Big One changes the rules of the game -- and then the predator become the prey.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Death By the Unions

So this is how it all ends -- death by the unions.

You live by the unions, and you die by the unions.

The day they turned out the lights in Hawaii -- for good. Hawaii always wanted to be the first at something -- and now it will get its chance -- of being the first state to be choked to death at the hands of every group that thinks everybody else exists just to support their own high paying jobs.

The unions control the monopolies -- so there is no choice, no right to work -- if one can and wants to. They have to pay their tribute to every tribal chieftain who thinks he should be the Big Boss. Life will get harder -- because everybody wants it to get harder -- for everybody else but themselves, and of course, because everybody is thinking that way, it will get bad for everybody.

It's not enough just to be concerned with your own ohana, or brotherhood, or trade association -- in order for societies to work. Everybody wants to be better off than everybody else -- and so everything will stay the same. Everybody will suffer -- and think they have everybody else right where they want them.

That's why hard -- even in paradise.