Looks Like Less Than Half to Me
Despite the mayor, the newspapers, the unions, and the Democratic Party proclaiming there was 80% approval for a rail system, the recent primary election revealed that the support was tenuous at best, and finally at the last minute before the filing deadline, Ann Kobayashi, figured out, there must be something to these 45,000 signatures wanting a referendum on this matter -- despite the overwhelming insistence from the mayor’s office, the newspapers, the unions, and the Democratic Party, that there was virtually no resistance.
Though he won’t be around to finish the job, much credit should go to Panos Prevedouros for taking up the challenge when nobody else would -- and in that way, he has already played a pivotal role in the turnaround of the people reclaiming government, their own destinies and lives, instead of accepting what the "authorities" told them was the truth.
It may seem to be a small victory -- but it could be huge for the few that fought that initial battle. That’s how revolutions begin -- and are won. At the time, everybody just plays their small part -- in the larger movement that awakens and takes on a life of its own.
The people of Hawaii have been asleep for too long -- and nobody wants to wake them up and spoil their own opportunities to exploit the situation, but they might have run out of options -- with the homeless now on the verge of claiming prime beachfront property because nobody is minding the store.
While nobody thinks that the disadvantaged should be mistreated and regarded with disdain, neither would right thinking people fail to challenge the right of the dispossessed, to possess the best -- unless society had been turned so upside-down and inside-out that it could no longer make any rational judgments anymore. Pedestrians were immediately apprehended and severely punished, while drug dealing and prostitution were regarded with a shrug of the shoulders that there was nothing they could do -- and besides, what was the difference?
But the difference between 80% and less than half is huge -- leaving no margin for error. It is unmistakable. Just because the governor of Alaska can claim to have an 80% approval rating, doesn’t mean anybody who wants one, can also just claim it. 80% is 4 out of 5 (4 to 1). 75% is 3 out of 4 (3 to 1). 66% is 2 out of 3 (2 to 1). 50% is 1 out of 2 (1 to 1).
Nobody in Hawaii believes that the actual best person will receive most of the votes -- because that would require most of the people to have the ability to discern that, which their schooling does not prepare them to do. Most will vote for whoever gives them the most kau-kau. Not to and still to get 20% of the vote is an extraordinary achievement -- obviously meaning only one thing: 1 out of 5, may actually know what’s going on -- and it is those people, who change the world.