How We Understand Education is Key
The major preoccupation and expenditure of state government is education -- in all its ramifications. Done in the way we’ve always done it in the past, is the problem of present day education, because something else entirely different is now possible and necessary.
Gone are the days when memorization of anything and everything was the most highly valued skill; what is even more important now, is simply being able to find information as needed -- and not merely learning and storing information for a time we might be able to use it -- or learning for learning’s sake. Rather than that being the measure of intelligence -- that is now a measure of unintelligence -- a waste, because there is so much necessary and urgent to learn now, and put to immediate use, in our actual, daily living.
Intelligence is how we actually live our lives -- and not some theoretical measure of how we could live our lives, if only we were intelligent.
Education has become a well-known failure because it is not necessary or appropriate in today’s capability for life -- in which learning, is a given -- and not something extraordinary and apart from our actual living.
The prototype for this new manner of learning, are those who get on their computers and are learning all the time -- as a way of life, integral to their lives. That’s how they do everything -- learning about it to do it, and not just learning with no intention or desire to do anything with it. So the motivation and purpose for learning has become something entirely different -- for which the old education model of just teaching people what they think they ought to know, is not productive -- and probably never has been, but we know that precisely now.
The new tools of our times, the computer and modern information processing strategies, has rendered the old education system obsolete. Test scores and performance will stagnate and regress because there is no critical need for that learning; if there was, as in the development of the computer, the growth would be explosive, and measurement is not possible when growth is that rapid and unprecedented. One can only measure the old by standards -- but not the new, which is the world we now live in.
The universities, the schools, the “news” media, former foundations of society, become unnecessary to maintain as institutions apart from our integrated lives -- in which individuals are capable of being universities, schools, media. So rather than the cost of these things going to infinity, they go to zero in the new society. Learning requires the learner -- but not necessarily the teacher, who may actually be a hindrance. It is just tradition that the student required the teacher -- and not that the teacher is necessary to the process. The best teacher is the student themselves.
But one good teacher can teach an infinite number of students -- rather than requiring a one-to-one ratio, which surely is an indication of poor instruction. And in requiring that education consume all of society’s resources, none is left to solve the other urgent needs of these times. Education doesn’t have to be a problem -- but understanding that is key.