Monday, January 30, 2012

Money Isn't Everything (the Only Thing)

"Supporters say it would give professors a greater say in the direction of the university and in how money is spent."

Actually, it would give the union president the exclusive say in the direction of the university and in how the money is spent. The university professors would surrender their right to speak for themselves -- which is what they are voting to do. They would lose all rights to speak for themselves in any matter -- except to their union president.

For a group of people already at the top making 3-5 times what the average citizen (who pays their salary) is making, is actually undermining the much more valuable right to speak as their own sovereign entity. And then like the lower school teachers, they will complain tirelessly and mightily that they have no say in designing how education can be conducted -- because they voted for the union president to do all their thinking and talking for them henceforth, and the only right they now have, is to carry the signs and repeat what the union president tells them to do -- demanding even more money and benefits than the other citizens have.

Once you're making considerably more than the median, the greater benefit and value is whether one becomes respected in their own right for speaking for themselves -- rather than to become like all the assembly line workers allowing their union president to do all their thinking and talking for them henceforth.

What did they become university professors for?


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