Wednesday, November 16, 2011

If You Want To Make Somebody Do Something

If you want to make somebody do something, the best (easiest) way to do it, is to make it as easy as possible to do it, and not increasingly more difficult -- until people just give up and no longer try, or even think about it.

Unfortunately, that is the track education, or the learning of anything, has taken -- because it provides more jobs for teachers (professionals and experts, etc.), and not that that would be the best way to do anything, much less, learn how to do it. Eventually, as we're now seeing, it requires more and more expensive education, just to do nothing in particular (the unemployed).

Meanwhile there is a lot of good that could be done -- but goes undone, because all the money is tied up in this "education" for no particular purpose -- except to provide lifetime job security for the teaching professionals. The fact of the matter is that we don't need more education and more highly paid teaching professionals, but could get by with less -- because most of the people are already educated so that one cannot help but be educated by living in such a society (environment). It is a learning culture -- and not the medieval one that needs to be reinvented every day to justify doing what we've always done before.

If anything worthwhile has been done, it changes the world, and society -- and most would have to admit, that the world has changed greatly even while they were fully awake for the last 20 years -- unlike the Rip van Winkle of legend who awoke after a sleep of 20 years to find the world changed.

For the last 20 years, even those trying to keep up with all the latest developments, found themselves woefully behind every curve -- because progress did not wait for their approval to go on without them. Of course that is very disconcerting to those who would call themselves "leaders" in those societies they demand everybody else follow behind them.

Thus the major function of such leadership, would be to defend the status quo, and not disrupt it by suggesting that the new leveling of the playing field at which everyone begins as a beginner again, is fair and just. They want their more than everybody else -- as what they think they are entitled a lifetime to, with no further discussion. And so those problems and inequities cannot be solved and examined because they are sacrosanct. But those are mainly the problems of the institutions and not the greater progress of humanity -- which simply marches on without them.


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