Saturday, January 23, 2010

Improving "Paradise"

What Hawaii needs most and could create the greatest value, are shade corridors -- which then make it possible for most people to walk or bike anywhere comfortably, because the lack of shade, is what makes most people dismiss such an idea for even short trips.

One of the chief appeals of rail, are the stations, because they provide this shelter of shade, which the present bus stops, most often don't -- which is the reason, many will not wait in such hostile conditions to use that system.

The advantage of the industrialized communities and nations of the temperate areas, is greatly due to their mastery of their climate, which is invariably being able to stay warm in the cold.

The tropics, and warm areas, have never had to consider that primal engineering and organizing challenge of optimizing their environment, and so lack the fundamental skills of resource management to advance their societies as it grows into cities of greater complexities.

What these largely traditional societies of the warmer climates have largely failed to consider, is that warm climates can be optimized even beyond that achieved in the great cities of the temperate areas -- as their fundamental great challenge of living in those environments, in order for them to organize and work industriously, rather than being discouraged by the danger of heat exhaustion and stroke. In this way, warm is a greater threat than cold is, because one can expend more energy to stay warm, while those who work hard and strenuously, in warmth, run the danger of overheating.

And so many people raised in these conditions, disdain and avoid hard work, as something only those on the lowest level of society would do -- and those who reach the highest levels of society (government), have learned to pass onto others. Eventually, everybody "wises" up to do as little as possible -- while demanding as much compensation they feel they are "entitled" to -- by largely knowing how this game is played.

Recycle the plastic bottles into the mesh netting that provides shade as a basic industry, instead of shipping the garbage far away to be buried. Compost everything that is organic -- including and especially paper. One would think that an island community would be among the pioneers and leaders in recycling -- instead of having no idea what to do with managing their own waste and creating resources that improve the basic conditions for going even further.

Shelter in Hawaii is also this major consideration of creating shade -- just as the greatest threat to the people of a earthquake devastated Haiti, is the lack of water (also a limiting factor in Hawaii, and just relief from the constant -- when all their buildings have fallen down, and they had previously deforested their island.

Even the "homeless" in Hawaii know that is their requirement for shelter -- not to be constantly baking in the sun. Then once one has pioneered these technologies for optimizing climates in warm areas of the world, there are huge markets and populations that could from these advances -- especially if there is a future trend to global warming


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