Whither the Superferry
I’m amazed but not surprised we’re even debating the proposed inter-island ferry service in Hawaii because every other community would recognized how fortunate they are to be given such an opportunity -- so I can understand why the ferry operators are perplexed by the carefully orchestrated opposition to it. I just hope they are not successful in inciting the hysteria and fear in our elected officials, bad conditioning/education Hawaii is infamous for -- and which keeps the great riches and talent of the world from offering their services here. We can be the most blessed people in the world -- if we would allow it, rather than fighting off every new and great idea, while clinging tightly to our age-old problems -- mainly of a mentality and culture that refuses to accept any solutions.
With every great venture, including cures and solutions, there are always risks, and so the question is not whether there are risks, but whether the rewards outweigh the risks. What is to be gained by the Superferry service, is greater access to all the parts and resources of every part of our state -- as though it is everyone’s, and not just the few who have mostly moved in and not want to preserve the remote islands as exclusively their own. That was a major problem when Hawaii was originally appropriated by self-proclaimed more “self-righteous” people -- who then claimed they owned it exclusively for their own use, what used to belong to everybody.
The same thing is happening in places where some want to put up gates to prevent access to the public beaches here on Oahu. There are others who claim the right to control inter-island transportation -- because they always have, and now it is their exclusive, divine birthright. And the outer islands have become a mecca for anti-progress protestors, who still think the ideal is for the indigenous peoples of the world to continue to live in grass huts and caves as God’s intended ideal for them -- and they should reflexively fight off every good for humans that give an advantage over every other species -- and that the ideal is for humans to be in fair competition with every species for only their allotted fair share, which they insist is when the human population no longer exists -- so that the other animals can reign.
That’s what I’m hearing of the arguments against the Superferry -- and why I haven’t been at these Hearings (demonstrations) like most other sane and rational people -- thinking that government decisions will be by those who can scream the loudest and bully and intimidate those who are uncertain what they think. And that is a great problem in Hawaii, and so I ask in these deliberations, that our elected officials, merely resist all the deceptions and manipulations, and make a courageous decision based on their own intelligent thought processes, which is all that one can ask of another.
If we value intelligence, the intelligent and productive people of the world will know they are welcome here, and then, that intelligence will solve all the problems of our times and place -- rather than insisting that those age-old problems are who were are and must be forevermore. Life is too short and precious, not to explore the wonderful world -- that can begin at home, in these Islands, with the addition of the Superferry.