How Would One Really Improve the Education System
What you need to do to have a culture of excellence, is to identify and have the child prodigies of every subject, teach their fellow students their insights into their area of genius --
rather than the mediocre adults who can only get "education" degrees, and think just by looking busy and learning jargon, they understand what they are talking about.
But in the schools, when the bright kids do that, they are told they are "cheating," and not to ever help their fellow citizen again.
And so Hawaii has become this quagmire in which everybody contends with everybody else for "more than their fair share," which is the essential difficulty of life in Hawaii.
It is not that education has failed, as it is that they have been successful at teaching everybody the wrong things -- that one should use other people, and particularly the vulnerable like the children (keiki) and elderly (kupuna), for their own ends -- which is the foundation for a society of endless exploitation from the cradle to the grave.
This has been fairly well-documented in the early studies of the anthropologists of primitive, brutal societies (that invariably become extinct), as well as the observations of psychologists who have explored the other end of those possibilities in highly self-actualizing societies and individuals, which must always begin with the individuals, and not the system, or the mass culture the individual is required to conform to.
Once you have such a hopelessly troubled system, the only solution is to rethink society and the educational (including the mass media) system that supports it -- as the fundamental flaw that no amount of subsequent effort and expenditure can overcome. We have to go back to the very premises of that society -- which in this case, is the instructional imperative that the student cannot and should not learn from everything -- but only from the duly certified and authorized authorities. Such an "education," puts one in the lifelong disadvantage of not being able to learn instantaneously, on-demand, as the situation requires it -- but only allowed to respond in the pre-approved manner taught to them -- that maintains the status quo of the authority other than oneself.
In a fast-changing world, with abundant information flooding into one's consciousness because the technologies make that not only possible but easy, most of what one learns, will have to be done in this manner -- and not that everything one learns of any value, they learned in kindergarten -- and never learned anything more after that. That world has disappeared, although a few of its staunchest defenders will undoubtedly lament the passing of that "golden age" for them; that used to be the world that brought them on high, and now it has collapsed, and nobody recognizes them anymore, when they grab every person demanding, "Do you know who I am!"
And now the people around him will observe unjudgmentally and whisper to one another, "That guy doesn't know who he is.," with no condemnatory significance.
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