Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Exercise Better -- and Not Simply More (Badly)

Anybody who gets any good out of their practice, does so because they get better at what they are doing -- and not simply do more, badly, and in the same manner they've always done it before.

That improvement, is what is making them better -- and not simply reinforcing the status quo of the way they are but don't want to be anymore.  So unless one's practice (exercise) has this objective of improvement of what one is doing, then in all likelihood, one will stay the same -- because improvement is not the objective, but merely reinforcing and repeating the status quo -- whether they realize it or not.

Eventually, every good student, must become their own teacher -- because the knowledge of others, can only take one so far, and the really significant learning, is one's own experience and manifestation of what is commonly known.  That is true for everything -- whether it is a computer, or an exercise apparatus.  With that same tool, most will use it as a blunt instrument -- thinking to just beat everything else into the shape they want it -- or learn to wield it as a precision instrument, and get precisely the results one desires -- and no more, or no less.

So some people think that the more pain they experience, the greater is their gain -- even leading people to an injury or premature death -- in the mistaken belief, that that is the only consideration at work.  That leads a few to believe that the proper use of their heads, hands and feet, is to drive nails, or break boards, bricks, bones, flesh -- as the highest use of the human body -- rather than creating something out of nothing, or very little -- which is any individual's highest achievement.

There is virtually no limit to how much one can destroy -- thinking they are doing "God's work," when in fact, the truly great religious individual, is creating a greater human fabric -- and not just tearing it (down) at every opportunity.  That was the lesson of the Vandals and Visigoths -- who sacked Rome, and every place else they came upon, but left nothing themselves, of any enduring and ennobling value and creation.

Historians and other observers of human behavior, noted these tendencies in the two distinctive personalities of civilization -- those who were builders, and those who were destroyers (depleters).  For these latter, their delight and power, was to consume and then destroy whatever abundance a society could create -- as their exercise of power over all the others.  There are still isolated antisocial personalities who operate that way -- until they are finally revealed living in the midst of everyone else who presumed they shared the values and goals of most of the others -- to maximize the enjoyment and potential of all human talents, rather than just preying on all the others.

Even in the description and understanding of exercise, a (barbaric) few, still think the objective of their exercise is to "tear the body down" -- thinking in that way, the body will automatically rebuild itself -- stronger and better each time -- until it doesn't, because it has simply exhausted its recovery ability -- and so each new insult and abuse, just speeds the body into a faster downward spiral -- until finally, the only thing possible, is to do as little, or nothing as possible -- so thoroughly beat up and defeated one has become -- at one's own hands!

The smarter, more enduring person, will know to leave a little in reserve -- knowing in that way, they will outlast the competition -- and overcome by simply enduring (persisting), when the others have beaten themselves -- thinking they were only competing against themselves.  That is as much a folly, as thinking (as many competitive people do), that they are always in competition with everybody else for everything -- which won't get them very far in the world, rather than realizing how to harness and utilize all the other and previous efforts that contribute to making the world as it is today, at that very moment -- which should be the focus of their exercise, and not just to toil endlessly, with no idea that some person in authority, told them to -- and they know better what is good for them.

That is an indoctrination for another's gain and agenda -- and not the realization and fulfillment of one's own unique abilities -- which is the purpose and significance of any doing -- and that is their being, ultimately.  That is the major difference between the lifelong exercisers -- and those who will only do so because somebody else tells them to do so -- under pain of some dire consequences if they don't -- because in the end, one has to do what is best for oneself -- and nobody can do that for any other.  That right understanding and perception, results in the right effort(s) -- and that has to come first, or will not come at all, no matter how much one does.


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