Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Only Real Problem

When one reads the newspapers -- if one still bothers to read them at all -- the overwhelming theme and conclusion one arrives at, is that the multitude of existing problems and all those being created momentarily on top of them -- is just ONE, that we reward seniority and the status quo over merit and change. And that simple mistake, is the reason for ALL the problems of our lives, society and government.

If we could realize that horrendous error in oversight (denial), virtually all the problems would disappear immediately -- but not to realize this, is all the problems of our existences multiplied wildly beyond our control and power to do anything meaningfully about. When the most basic premise of our lives is wrong, there is no recovery and correcting it further down the line -- in all the other difficulties that will most certainly arise because we fail to recognize the most basic truth of our realities -- and that is in every case, that we have to distinguish merit OVER seniority, the status quo, and how we’ve always done it before -- to get to the root of all our problems, that therefore must always haunt and plague us as the unchallengeable and unquestionable foundations of our society.

Because of this prohibition against recognizing the only real problem, first and foremost, we can never solve any of the other problems -- because of this denial of essential reality -- no matter how many laws we pass, and how many financial incentives we create. Things will not change and improve until we confront the one unshakable truth in the world -- that we must acknowledge and reward merit and change, over seniority and the status quo -- which means no change, and therefore, allowing the problems to multiply and grow out of control.

And so the more we talk about it, the more the status quo is reaffirmed, and the problems must continue, of students failing to learn what is relevant to living, and people must die because they have learned to live in denial and unawareness of those things that could be dangerous to their health, and that legislators must be chosen only from those who will perpetuate these familiar problems -- as the only way things can ever be.

The only hope is for people to create alternate realities wherever they can -- beyond government control and interference -- AKA the free market, which many are even taught to believe ARE the source of the problems that a well-meaning but incompetent government is a response to. That’s the change in thinking that also needs to be overcome -- which of course, should not be put in the hands of the lawmakers to dictate, or of course, everything will continue exactly as they have been, except they will pay themselves and all their family members MORE.

That’s how it’s always been before, and that’s what their job is to perpetuate -- despite the problems created daily -- that they have no intention of doing anything about. Instead, they will solve all the imaginary problems created each day in the newspapers, to prevent us from ever considering the real problems -- which must never be solved, implying that it is the destruction of everything this society stands for!


At February 22, 2007 8:25 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

There used to be a time when everybody tuned into the network evening news, or subscribed to the local newspapers. Those days are already a distant memory -- which doesn't mean, as the network news and newspapers like to tell us, that doom is imminent for everyone -- and not just themselves.

But people have a tendency to project their own fears, anxieties, prejudices and hatreds onto everybody else -- and trying to restore the good old times of their own security and comfort. So differences can be seen as change, evolution and progress -- which it probably is -- rather than an omen of doom if we don't all go to the polls anymore, read every article written by the newspaper editors, hang on every word of the news anchors as the Voice of God -- like people might have done once, before they realized there was a whole lot else going on, which might be even more important than what the newspeople are telling us as what we MUST know about Hillary,Osama, Anna, and Britney.

Government and politics have become a smaller part of American life -- as choices far outstrip government's ability to regulate them.

Instead of arguing about politics, people have ESPN and National Geographic to entertain them -- so the major victim is politics, religion and traditional education.

I don't think it's necessarily bad that government becomes less of an intrusion and preoccupation in life. The intent of every good government is to eliminate the need for itself -- rather than become all-encompassing.

Instead of this revolution happening by violent overthrow, it takes place because of indifference and better ways to preoccupy their interests.

It also might be that those who remain interested in politics, have self-selected themselves by that aptitude and interest so that in the eventual society, people are more involved in what they are truly interested in -- instead of feeling compelled to be interested in that which doesn't have a lot of appeal to them.

We wouldn't expect that "everybody" wants to play golf, do art, music, stock market, movies, hunting, writing, public speaking, whatever. People who aren't vitally interested in something, serve society better by pursuing other interests.

Those that remain, may have better aptitude for it. A poll is just a poll. It's not the 11th Commandment.

At February 22, 2007 8:33 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

In perusing the local news, it's become increasingly apparent that once all the theatrics are removed from the deliberations -- the local leaders are already looking for a way to bail out of the rail fiasco.

It's just not a winning formula but more a prescription for the end of government as we know it -- as people realized that they've all sold themselves for a "few dollars more," and Hawaii was totally obliterated by the need to get "somewhere" -- without first determining where we are to begin the journey.

At February 22, 2007 8:36 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

"I have a $10B solution to go from nowhere to nowhere. Can I get a downpayment upfront?"


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