Thursday, January 18, 2007

What’s the Big Idea?

When I used to go around campaigning, the most frequently asked question was what I thought could be done with the failing public education system -- that has not only been failing in Hawaii but everywhere else in the US -- for at least the last fifty years! The answer is very obviously not “More of the same, at twice the pay!”, as their mothers and fathers will advise, in order to be a dutiful child as well as elected official.

Public education in its present form has outlived its usefulness -- in its emphasis on the young who need it the most -- rather than graduating to the concept that it is even more valuable for the grownups. The young are always learning -- because they don’t know any better -- and thus are eager to find out.

The older people on the other hand, usually think they know everything, and so don’t want to learn anything new -- and that is the ignorant state of mind, that only will not learn anything new, but will impose the false upon the true.

The fact of the matter is, that most children enter schools already knowing how to operate computers and cell phones -- which are the basic instruments of accessing all the information in the world. It is the older minds, conditioned in a previous generation, that doesn’t want to learn these things, and are resistive to them -- even though they are the greatest beneficiaries of this new technologies, especially that of learning cutting edge new ideas -- that makes the extended life span a new lease on life.

Meanwhile, the traditional schools are passing on the academic tradition as though that was a value in itself, rather than that they should be educating people in living the real challenges of their lives -- instead of Latin and the other remnants of a classical education, which they think indicates high achievement and intelligence.

There is no time to learn all these things the contemporary teachers argue because their time is already overburdened teaching reading about dragons, princesses and other fictions -- rather than the more practical instructions on filing a tax return. “That would be a practical and vocational education not worthy of their high calling in life," they sniff.

One could not have high status, these teachers maintain, if one knew what everybody else did; no, they think it is more important still, that one display “high intelligence” in knowing what nobody else does, or cares to know -- except as an ostentatious show of this “brilliance.”

It is because maintaining this status quo and social hierarchy is much more important in the world of education than empowering its citizens to be able to think without the professional educators -- who still believe they are living in a world in which, they are still competing for the highest grades and the most pay -- as an indication of their worth.

The values have to be rethought and retaught -- in this greater understanding, from the oldest to the youngest -- and will never come to pass, if education is only for the young, because they don’t know any better.


At January 18, 2007 10:51 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

About the only thing the kids are taught these days is that their teachers ought to get "more pay."

So I wonder how our legislators get that idea?

In attending the Board of Education meetings, which is the person not eating enough?

At January 18, 2007 11:55 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

Who really runs this state -- like a totalitarian government?

Thursday, January 18, 2007

OIP to ask BOE to justify $880 estimated charge for audio tape

The BOE is asking an estimated $880 to provide a redacted copy of the audio tape of a meeting which should not have been secret in the first place. They say they have to send the tape out to be redacted.

This may be a situation where the state wants a vendor to charge it as much as possible for a small bit of work (remember how the military was paying $750 for a toilet seat; $2034 for a 13-cent nut; $1500 for a screwdriver?). Of course, they plan to charge me for it, that's how they can get away with this.

By setting a high charge, they effectively keep the information out of public hands.

OIP will be asking the BOE to justify the charge.

The OIP has so many more important things to do. By its ongoing refusal to obey the law, the BOE is costing taxpayers money just bringing them to justice.

Regardless of the outcome of the OIP inquiry, I won't be paying the BOE $880 for the tape. Even if they get to keep it a secret, I've had the opportunity to bring their actions in this matter to the attention of the public.

I hope everyone will support legislation to put teeth into OIP decisions. In the end, it saves us all money, and keeps our government accountable to the people. It can also help prevent abuses such as we are seeing at the national level.

Our educational system can only be improved if the BOE will follow the law and conduct its business in full view of the public.

At January 18, 2007 12:00 PM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

It takes unlimited money to pay the hundreds of education administrators making more than the governor of the state of Hawaii.

At January 18, 2007 12:20 PM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

I think Reps. Luke, Saiki, and Belatti ought to be commended for having the courage and integrity to at least question this culture of corruption that has become the trademark of Hawaii state government.

Finally a step in the right direction. The public is really hungry for authentic heros instead of the false idols the media places before us to worship.

At January 18, 2007 4:18 PM, Blogger Mike Hu said...


Does this sound familiar or what?

From: []
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 12:39 PM

Every morning I ask myself, "how can the three Senators from Maui reject a paid-for hospital - Malulani. Why do they avoid answering the question as to why they refuse to permit a second hospital on Maui? I decided to check State of Hawaii.Gov Campaign.
I ran Senator Roz Baker last week and nothing became obvious other than a contribution from Glaxo Smith Kline - ($2,000) a large and major U.S. drug company and an equal contribution from Dr. Moon Soo Park and wife, Marilyn of Honolulu. I had no idea who they were. I did however discover that all contributions for Baker with the exception of two were from other than people/businesses on Maui.
Next I went into the monies received for Senator J. Kalani English. few listed made one wonder how in the world he ever got elected. Two major contributions were tobacco money; R. J Reynolds ($1,000) and Philip Morris USA ($2,000).
I then open the filing for Senator Shan I find a much lengthier list of major contributors; Wesley Lo (Head of Maui Memorial Hospital), Thomas Rogers MD, Darren Egami MD,
Barry Shitamoto MD, Hawaii Air Ambulance, Maui Land & Pine, Pacifiic Rim Land - Kihei, R. J. Reynolds, Masura Yogouchi, Hawaii Association of Realtors, Hawaii Medical Services Association, Edw. Dowling, Coldwell Banker Real Estate - South Kihei Road, Island Insurance PAC, Matson, Hawaii Super Ferry, and last Dr. Moon Soo Park $4,000 as well. I went back to Google and low and behold I now know who Dr. Moon Soo Park is......President and CEO Clinical Laboratories of Hawaii, and from their list of associates there is the name of Dr. Barry Shitamoto Clinical Pathology - Maui Memorial Medical Center Laboratories. I also found HEMI listed as a Tsutsui contributor. HEMI isWorker's Compensation.
Jan, now I know we will never sway the vote from Maui's three Senators.... I suspect the short list of contributors of two of them and the last, Tsutsui is obviously in the hands of development and Maui Memorial Hospital and also Roz Baker. Why would the CEO and President contribute $4,000 to their campaigns??????? It is a Banana Republic after all, isn't it? Given that the Sunshine Laws of this State were written when the most advanced piece of technology was a tape recorder and the Attorney General has ruled there can not be anything other than a tape recorder at the hearing and unless someone is unemployed and able to spend $200 to attend a hearing for the Island of Maui on Oahu because Dr. Sakamoto (SHPTDA) has refused to hear the appeal on Maui... what can we do???

God help our Island and its people should we have an earthquake, major viral outbreak, tsunami, etc.

We have an antiquated hospital facility that is a cash cow and sends its profits to other Islands...

It's a broken system and our Senators are unwilling to grant another hospital. Meanwhile they have Mauians paying off the 37 million dollar Bond to build an Administrative Office and a parking garage for Maui Memorial. Only one additional bed was added. What do Tom Driscoll and Wesley Lo say to all of this????
Aloha Jean,
Yesterday, one of the senators (not from Maui) asked me what was going on with our own senators. He said, what is wrong with them? Why can’t they see this? Well, Jean, below is part of the answer. Now this gets tricky, so pay close attention:
When I used to work on the neonatal products team in Detroit, there were companies that wanted me to purchase their products. They would offer me money or gifts to use their products. This was not allowed and I do believe illegal. When I pointed it out to them, they would often offer to then contribute to my favorite charity. Read between the lines hear using the information that you supplied to me. Senator Roz Baker is against Malulani. Not sure why….

Dr. Moon Soo Park is the head of Clinical Labs. It is a huge company. Dr. Park is against Malulani. Not sure why…


It makes MANY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. If Malulani is built, they will perhaps not use Clinical Labs. They may have their very own lab service…this would take many MILLIONS OF DOLLARS out of the pocket of Clinical Laboratories. You will notice that Barry Shitamoto MD is listed as an associate. Isn’t that odd? Now to really complicate matters, you will also notice that Dr. Barry Shitamoto MD is ONE OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF HHSC!!!!!!!!!! NO! YOU ARE KIDDING, RIGHT????????? Nope. Serious as a heart attack. (God, I love hyperlinks…) Dr. Shitamoto is against Malulani. Not sure why…

While we are wandering around the internet, we will note that HHSC and Clinical Laboratories are in bed together.

Oh no!!! This can’t be true, I imagine you are saying. Yes, Jean, it is only the truth. HHSC is a partner of Clinical Laboratories. You see, the family tree doesn’t fork very much….


When I met with Senator J. Kalani English yesterday, his mouth said he would look into it, his eyes said ‘No way in hell will I ever allow another hospital’. He will not help the people of Maui County. Are we going to have tobacco farming here? Or is that so we don’t ban it in public places? Senator J. Kalani English is against Malulani. Not sure why.


Our third focus today is Senator Shan Tsutsui. Why would the good senator from Maui be against better healthcare for Maui? In pursuit of this question, we begin by looking at Senator Shan’s campaign contributions.
Now, let’s talk about *Senator Shan Tsustsui’s contributors. When I met with him yesterday, his mouth said he would look into it, his eyes said ‘No way in hell will I ever allow another hospital’. He will not help the people of Maui.

*Wesly Lo has fought us tooth and nail on getting a second hospital. He refused to collaborate with Malulani. He refused to cooperate. He took our tax dollars and flew over management to fight us at the CON (Certificate of Need). No one even slapped his hand. I want my portion of my tax dollars back for hat one, Lo. He doesn’t want the competition. He is already buying equipment that should have been purchased years ago. Guess just the threat of Malulani is making HHSC part with some of their profits to put back into MMMC. Just think of how much money HHSC will have to take our of their own personal pockets and put into our community hospital, MMMC, if Malulani is built?? Woo hoo! They would really have to do some improving. (Patient wins) I am surprised that Wes Lo has that kind of money to give away??? What does he make a year? Does it correlate with his spending?

*Hawaii Air Ambulance will lose money if they cannot fly sick and dying patients all over the place. Do you know what one of those flights cost? I am not sure but it is a 5 digit figure. Anyone want to fill us in here? The company wouldn’t share the info previously. Of course, they don’t want Malulani.

*Dr. Barry Shitamoto MD is against Malulani. See above.

*Dr. Moon Soo Park is against Malulani. See above.

*Hawaii Medical Services Association is against Malulani. Not sure why really – Malulani doesn’ t care if the workers want a union.

Senator Shan Tsustsui is against Malulani. Not sure why…


Well, well, this has been fun. Wouldn’t it be interesting to check out other people’s personal finances? Like people who have power over whether or not we get Malulani? Know of anyone like that whose bank statement you would like to peruse? Isn’t some of this stuff illegal? Like go to jail illegal? People are dying, Jean. This is an abuse of power and I hope that the voters vote.

Take care Jean. Stay healthy!



Janice M. Shields L.V.T., B.S.N., R.N.C.
Pukalani, Maui, Hawaii 96768


Cell (808)250-2222

Fax: 1(808)573-5468

At January 18, 2007 4:18 PM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

How come nobody offered me any bribes?


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