Friday, September 29, 2006

There They Go Again!

No sooner are the primary elections over, then the two newspapers are printing the attack pieces against Linda Lingle and the Republican Party, thinking only she has the money to spend to counteract all the negative press they can generate -- so they too can keep their jobs until they die.

There’s a reason there are retirement ages implemented for most jobs -- so that organizations are kept refreshed, renewed and revitalized by fresh ideas, personalities, perspectives -- instead of the same tactics, articles, attacks run as though people have such short-term memories they’ve already forgotten what was at fever pitch only a week ago.

Just for the sake of decency and self-respect, the editors should give Hawaii a break and eliminate the “stink talk” for at least another week -- or preferably, forever. There’s a reason people all over Hawaii, all over the country, are canceling their subscriptions in droves and not buying advertising “just to protect themselves,” anymore.

People want to read the best of the ideas in their community -- and not the worst of those who debase everybody else in the community, including their own stable of writers. But the worst is allowing themselves to be used and encouraging people’s attacks against their fellow upstanding citizens -- all the way on up to the President and the Pope.

If that’s the way they want to talk in their own homes, that’s their right. But give the public and the good people of Hawaii a break. Do something good and useful with your lives -- so that when you go out in public, you can look people in the eyes and hold your heads up.


At September 29, 2006 8:34 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

Then food will not be their only comfort and solace in life.

At October 01, 2006 7:27 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

The mantra of the newspapers is that, “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth.” Eventually, they become their own greatest victims -- when they begin believing their own lies.

The newspapers have given rise to the “Democratic (demagogic)/liberal (leftist) blogs -- which have become the 21st century evolution of the public bathroom walls, where one is “free” to indulge their expressions of (irresponsible and anonymous) speech. But something very different has occurred on the political right (mainstream) -- which is seldom and grudgingly acknowledged as the blogosphere, preferring its retarded form as the representation and challenge of the rise of something much vaster and more profound.

Sure, the newspaper writers are “superior” to most liberal/Democrat bloggers -- who think the challenge of public writing is the right to say anything they want without fear of accountability -- or that any of their readers can tell the difference because they are chronic bullshitters just like they are. But some people prefer living in a world in which reality and ideas have to have some connection with each other -- and they’re really not the “Big, brilliant, beautiful” monstrosities they prefer to describe themselves. These people’s capacities for self-deception are unlimited -- and they find their own kind to surround themselves with.

But for those who really want a better life, with meaning over illusion, deception, manipulations -- it has always been the more arduous path, not likely to be found on the first public bathroom wall one “reads.” That everyone isn’t on this path to the truth, is no cause for concern -- unless oneself isn’t -- because that is one’s reality. It is not a delusion just because it isn’t everybody’s reality -- or what the demagogues would like us to believe, is the ONLY REALITY -- with themselves, of course, at the top.

That is the beauty of the new world we now live in -- that we can see many more of the perspectives than the one the media establishment wants us to see. Most of them are not even aware of their own brainwashing and indoctrination in the culture that has already passed on -- because they were so successfully “educated” forty years ago -- to resist every new idea that has come along since. That’s why so many of them prefer the world of the 1960s -- when they believe that ultimate truth was crystallized. Many university professors proudly announced at that time, “that everything that could be discovered, had been discovered,” and so their jobs as dutiful students, was merely to carry on that rich legacy they were now the high priests of those “liberal” studies.

People educated in that system, are threatened by a level playing field, in which merit has to be exhibited and manifest -- and not just some theoretical prior claim to intelligence and privilege. That is the familiar challenge to authority and seniority, that arises in every culture, in every time, and hopefully, in every life too -- that gives freedom and independence real meaning.

The powers that would like to remain so -- above all others, are the remnants of a previous generation that has less meaning with each false cry to defend the old status quo -- until finally, they are the unheard screams from "within the box."


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