"You Ought To Be Famous"
Following is the cover letter to a mailing I made yesterday; actually, rather than being a cover letter, it is sandwiched between two of my world-famous flyers. Reprinted with permission from myself:
On Olelo Channel 52, my landmark video, Understanding Conditioning, will be shown on Thursday. September 14 at 1:30 PM, and on Thursday, September 28 at 10:00 AM. It is a 60-minute video that revolutionizes the thinking about exercise -- to make it easier as well as more productive -- because of the greater understanding of the physiology, psychology and physics involved -- breaking from the tradition in thinking of progress through brute force, which hasn’t worked for most but is forced upon people nevertheless.
The unfortunate consequence is that those who could benefit the most from these productive activities -- are actually discouraged, if not endangered and injured by them -- under the guise that they are well-intentioned. So I broke from that tradition in which even I was conditioned all my life, to wonder if there could be another path -- that removed all the barriers and obstacles to productive movements (exercise). I was aided by knowing many of the great champions, researchers and thinkers I knew as friends.
That is what I built my confidence and expertise -- as the foremost authority on. Few people have that advantage of creating a whole new paradigm in the understanding of an age-old tradition, and so I know what it is like to go against the whole entrenched establishment in bringing about revolutionary changes in the thinking and doing.
That is also what is required in elected officials who really want to bring about change in government -- and are not just content to change the nameplate on the door. They have to have the ability to stand alone -- and see things freshly, so there can be authentically new ways of doing things -- and not just calling more of the same old thing by a new name, and thinking that is all that is required to make a difference.
I am enclosing two flyers in this envelope so that you can share the information of this broadcast with somebody who would also value and benefit from this insight -- which has been presented to countless forums and audiences from the most critical and discriminating, as well as to some of the youngest classes of schoolchildren. Universal principles work for the weakest and most disabled -- and therefore work for the strongest as well; it is not the case that what works for the strongest, works for the most infirm, which is the critical error in traditional thinking on exercise -- and why it fails.
This video was made in 1994, and I have since made some further refinements in the thinking -- to make it even more an effortless flow, which I teach in groups or individually, whenever people are open and receptive to this powerful understanding. Such conditioning is also about education -- in a new way of being, which is the constant topic of quandary in a society transitioning to the new -- that we hear with increasing frequency in Hawaii. We need people who can function in that challenge.
On a more traditional note, I taped a more “political” speech for the Olelo Channel 49, Candidates in Focus, scheduled to begin around Friday, September 15 at 8:30 PM and Sunday, September 17 at 1:00 PM. There might be additional showings at other times -- of both this program and my other, which has historically been one of the most popularly requested repeat showings in public television broadcasting -- here and elsewhere.
And then when reviewing my blocked SPAM email folder, I retrieved this message:
Aloha Mike,
Was channel surfing and caught the last 15 mins of your program. Very informative!
Is there another scheduled time that it will be televised?
Do you have any other programs as well?
How often you workout using those routines your performed on your show?
Do you teach any classes of that nature?
Any photos on your website of these routines?
I will also check out your webpage.
Noticed your address is on Esther St. in Kaimuki. I used to live on Winam.
Many thanks for providing a good program to the public and look forward to more
from you!
Best of health and regards!
To which I replied:
I didn't realize they had started showing it yet; they told me the first scheduled showing was Thursday, Sept 28 at 10 AM, and then I found out today, Sept 14 at 1:30 PM. It lasts an hour. It's one of the most requested repeat playbacks on public access -- so much so that it has often played elsewhere, every day. Eventually they pass the "Mike Hu rule" that the video cannot play as often as that -- even by popular request -- usually by some video producer who wonders why theirs can't be shown as often.
But Understanding Conditioning is pretty timeless and many people have told me they have seen it several times and each time, it seems like a different video -- or they see it in a different way, because they've changed. That is the magic of Understanding Conditioning, that even the videographer is impressed by, when he views it again.
I've refined the movements to a five-minute program that I do immediately upon waking -- and then forget about exercise for the rest of the day. I go to a health club once a week for a slightly lengthier program of lifting light weights along with an extended stretching/relaxation regimen at the end. Rather than being obsessive-compulsive about exercise, I think one of the great differences of melding mind-body in this way, is that there is no separation of thought from action -- but only mindfulness in action.
A lot of the people who used to call me as soon as the program was over were these masters of their own discipline. I can teach individually of give a group presentation; as a matter of fact, I was well-known for giving these presentations in the most wide-ranging of venues -- from the oldest to the youngest, the weakest to football teams strength training. Most people don't realize that understanding is the most important exercise before doing anything else -- and so their efforts are largely unproductive, because they are not "all there." Those who are, are the world champions at whatever they do.
I actually do have a readership -- though they often feel that I've said everything as well as could be said -- so why add needless comments?
That's in contrast to the many "bloggers" who comment on their own postings with many different aliases -- which is a typical ploy of mainstream media bloggers who are obsessed by what other people think, and can't help themselves from manipulating those thoughts themselves -- which is the old familiar mainstream (mass) media mentality -- whether bloggers or newspaper editors.
The giveaway is that though the aliases may be different, they're all written in the same style, with the same thinking -- as they would be editing a newspaper
It's pretty pathetic, but it's more fun if you just play along pretending you don't know what they are doing -- to see how far they'll go in their manipulations, deceptions, abuses. You learn about them in this unforeseeable way.
That is the power of not trying to shape reality to a particular outcome -- which is definitely old mentality (of the 20th century and previously).
The movement towards freedom entails "letting go" of this kind of heavy-handed control over everybody else -- that is distinctive of truly 21st century, egalitarian personalities.
Chief defener of this old status quo are predictably, those that were its foundations -- the media, schools, universities, government. There's much more to life and society than government.
The unfortunate thinking in Hawaii is that some people (including many elected officials as well as many academicians), feel that governement should be everything, controlling everything -- and they should be in charge -- for life.
The newspapers are trying to demagogue us into believing that because price control on gas was lifted, our gas prices have not gone down as much as elsewhere -- although they have gone down, they grudgingly admit.
What will make gas prices come down is reducing the demand -- and not adding or removing gas cap prices. The notion that free markets determine prices rather thangovernment fiat and manipulations, infuriates the "liberal/leftist" control freaks among us -- usually found gorging themselves at the public trough -- in the media, schools, universities, government. That is responsible for their unmistakable "bloated" looks, rathet than their claims of starvation and sacrifice for the benefit of the public.
Hawaii's laws are very regressive -- in taxing the poor to subisidize the upper middle class of largely government workers.
One thing that would greatly lower gas prices would be to abolish the most restictive and regressive bicycle laws in the world -- which in Hawaii, are strictly enforced while all kinds of other mayhem are ignored.
Bicycles should be allowed to ride everywhere -- but given no right of way over anybody else, any other means. That would be the commonsense thing to do in the world's greatest venue for biking -- if there were intelligent biking laws and its (non)enforcement. Instead, they are the most arbitrary -- lowering the respect for all officers who enforce them, knowing full well that they have to because their supervisor insists on it -- while all kinds of major offenses are ignored.
Bicyclists are the most deferential, self-enforcing, and truly responsible people in society. They ought to be encouraged and not brutally suppressed -- while all other mischief, malice and mayhem are ignored.
Usually the editors at the newspapers will have a vendetta against bicycling because of some bad experience with a bicyclist who didin't know who they were and insisted on sharing the sidewalk with them -- which is there for the newspaper editor's exclusive use because of their peculiar double-wide rear ends -- and so they will suppress every notion that bicycling is healthy, resourceful, and to be encouraged -- particularly in an environment such as Hawaii is optimal for.
But as long as people insist on being stupid, no price caps can ever protect them enough.
My Big Idea when Jeremy Harris was Mayor and soliciting grand visions -- was to put up sheer fabric awnings all over Honolulu to create shade -- which is the limiting factor in being active and outdoors in Hawaii.
If they could create shade along an extended pathway, most people could bikeor walk to work -- as long as they were in the shade, and safe from having to ride in the traffic with cars. Sidewalks are tremendously underutilized -- as is any space unshltered from the unrelenting sun. We pay a lot for sidewalks; they ought to be used, maximized. That is probably our greatest community resource.
Shade more than anything else, creates "shelter" in Hawaii, creates value, creates opportunity. The obivous is the most difficult to see.
Like clockwork, as soon as Understanding Conditioning concluded airing, I got a call from Louie Ferreira, whose passion in life is to ride -- and teach others to ride, the world’s largest waves -- out of Haleiwa, bigwaverider1@yahoo.com.
He was impressed with the quality of integration of mind and body required to “ride the big ones,” that I captured in the interview on conditioning. There is a universal quality in peak performance -- whether it is surfing, bodybuilding, bicycling, painting, writing, speaking, surviving -- that those who have “been there,” readily recognize, as being “fully there.”.
That quality of experience expands one’s parameters so greatly that most people, programmed for mediocrity and conformity, cannot even imagine, and so deny that such realities are possible. Contemporary life is these many distractions -- and those that rise above the madding crowd, are those capable of prioritizing rightly.
Systems analysts call it the critical path -- the proper order in which things have to be done so as not to create more problems, or leave the many problems unsolved -- when if done in the proper order of priority, eliminates the many others. That’s right, if one solves the problem of highest priority first, the other problems disappear -- but if one doesn’t solve the problem of highest priority first, all the others are solved in vain, to arise again.
In traditional education -- which is characterized by well-publicized failures, no such priority is followed -- regarding each difficulty and task apart from every other. This is obviously a lower level of understanding -- that distinguishes a previous generation’s fragmentation of understanding, in which everything is regarded as unrelated to everything else.
The uniquely 21st century understanding -- which has been glimpsed by adepts and prodigies throughout history and society, is being able to see the big picture connection that ties everything together in a unified theory of understanding -- state-of-the-art physicists were entertaining at the end of the last century.
That is a necessity when information begins to overwhelm in its quantity and complexity. The mind has to make a quantum leap in integrating and synthesizing the many disparate bits of information -- to the one simple, underlying phenomenon. Such individuals can process inordinate amounts of information -- to the more casual observer because such individuals know to look for keys that imply everything else. So they are not reinventing the wheel in everything they do -- but move on to the next level with each effort and task.
In this way, the pioneers (world champions) of different activities have more in common than those in the same activity will have without that prodigious insight and ability. It’s a very different experience -- even while ostensibly the same activity, as when one is exercising at a gym or health club.
Understanding Conditioning is mindfulness in action -- integrating mind and body rather than having them work against each other -- creating the many problems of life.
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