Sunday, August 24, 2008

From Paradise to Dystopia

The line separating “paradise” from “dystopia” is a very fine one -- easily crossed because it is a kingdom built upon illusions and delusions, rather than any real realities, and those living in it, lose that ability to distinguish the word from the actuality -- and prefer the word over the actuality. But then, they can’t tell the difference.

Only an outsider would notice that absurdity -- and so it is eventually decreed, that no outsider can ever be allowed in -- except in the case of long-lost relatives, who have to first undergo extensive brainwashing and indoctrination to see only what they are allowed to see, and to deny everything else their sensibilities tell them is true.

Bad laws and bad government is a bad lawyers paradise.

But you people keep on (re)electing them -- so you get the government you deserve -- where nothing works right -- but they promise that in 20 years, everything miraculously will.

One of the obvious deceptions used by the rail folks to blur any ability for the citizens to make valid distinctions (discriminations) anymore, is this straw man argument that the rail should be justified as the Superferry is -- overlooking the key distinction that the Superferry is a private enterprise risking those investors' money -- and not taxing the people limitlessly because they can.

"Risk" is not a guarantee that these investors succeed -- and most ventures fail, and government needs to help them as much as possible to succeed and not to fail -- as most people in Hawaii have been brainwashed into thinking -- that they must cause the failure and destruction of every non-government run enterprise.

Government doesn't provide most of the things in a prosperous society; private enterprise in this manner does. It has been tried the other way before -- but even the Russians and now the Chinese realize that government can't provide for everything as well as private initiative and innovation can. But Hawaii always seems to the last to find out about these things -- and even proclaim it as the Next Big Thing.

Hawaii is left to be the only socialist state in these United States still thinking that a proven failure everywhere else, can still work here if people just believe hard enough -- no matter what the realities and actualities. That's how socialist states work -- by confusing the words with the realities -- and then people prefer the words to the reality.

So I wish Mufi's public relations people would stop insulting the intelligence of the people of Hawaii day after day until they're so punch-drunk -- they start kicking the referees and blaming everyone else but themselves for everything going wrong in the world (Hawaii) -- even buying out the opposition because everybody comes to despair that it is the "only game in town," and if one doesn't hop aboard the gravy train, his neighbor is not going to think twice about grabbing his share -- rationalizing that's what everybody else is doing and so they have no choice but to be as corrupt as everybody else.


At August 24, 2008 7:32 AM, Blogger Mike Hu said...

The Superferry is the only successful thing Hawaii has going for it right now -- and to want to shut it down, shows the confusion rampant throughout that society.

They're going to punish success and reward failure -- and become the homeless and unemployment mecca of the world.

Ayn Rand wrote about such a "dystopia," in "Atlas Shrugged," which not coincidentally, is about the building and running of a railroad -- and how eventually, all the wheels come off -- and then the people deny that the wheel can ever be invented.


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