Where Have All the Leaders Gone?
I think it matters less which party and their candidates win, as much as nobody is really interested in playing these games anymore -- and have moved on to more rewarding activities and ventures, rather than being nullified and frustrated by traditional politics -- which seems to largely be about public relations with the media, while media is no longer what it used to be. But neither are political leaders. When did they all become irrelevant?
It was the rise of popular opinion that really became the dominant force in contemporary life -- and one’s ability to resist it, and ride it when advantageous to do so. Not everybody could -- or wanted to, as in a previous generation. Back then, each child of any ability, was encouraged to one day become the president -- rather than pursuing their own unique passion and destiny. It is the latter that won out -- and more heeded the call to do their own thing, rather than answer the call of political ambition.
So those who do rise to the top in politics, as in any field of interest these days, are those with those natural inclinations and abilities -- rather than recruiting from the population at large. Not everybody can be a politician, or a doctor, lawyer, professional athlete, computer wizard, or even writer/speaker, though that shouldn’t stop anyone from finding out if that is their talent. There is no substitute for trying and finding out.
The worst thing in life, however, is becoming “good” at what one has no vital interest and passion in, because he will be competing and participating among those who do, and who can think of nothing else they’d rather do. That’s why it is even more important than being successful, to find out what it is one really loves to do, because that will be their primary reward and fulfillment in life. That is fulfillment -- and not the emptiness in pursuing one thing while dreaming of another life, any other activity but what one is doing, or thinks they have to do.
The easiest way to be a leader now is just to take the initiative to be one -- which is not as easy as it sounds, because that requires talent and ability -- and not just the desire and ambition to have it. That may be the single greatest misunderstanding in the age of popular culture. Wanting to be talented is not the same as being talented -- which some people are -- by finding out who they are. Many will continue to fool themselves to please their parents and teachers -- and in that way, lose themselves and have no idea what they are doing, except to please others.
Some people’s power are derived largely by the favoritism of the media -- and when that is gone, they are lost, wondering where all their followers are -- having quickly deserted them for the next popular idol. Politics in this day and age is really the face of media, and the measure of media than real leadership in cultural and social developments -- which have a life and momentum of their own. Some are better at exploiting those developments than others.
So while politicians may say and promise all things, the critical issue as President of the United States, is providing for the common defense and security in the world, as the commander in chief.
Others are really the leaders in their respective fields.
The people of Hawaii should be thankful the Republican Party offers an alternative to the group-think conformity drilled into them all their (school) lives.
That's what real diversity is all about -- having different perspectives of life and how to solve problems differently -- instead of just being told that one way is the ONLY reality and there is no other way and no other possible ways of thinking except following religiously what these authoritarians tell them to think -- and thinking they are "free" to obey.
In the old days, the control of information and power was absolute, but now because of the Internet and the reluctant recognition by the dominating media, more people realize they do not have to march in lockstep to their leaders proclaiming themselves "leaders for life," while waving their little red books expressing devotion to the cause of stamping out all alternative thoughts.
That's the importance of the Republican Party in Hawaii, otherwise, you'd think that the ONLY way they tell you, is the only way there is, and you'll be gathering this weekend shouting rapturously, "Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!", or is that now, "Obama! Obama! Obama!"
And of course, they'll be the obligatory One-Minute of Hate frenzy when the appropriate faces are displayed -- as an opportunity for these self-proclaimed peace-loving people to demonstrate their political correctness.
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